Chiefs and Council
The Men and Women who Represent the Líl̓wat Nation
The government of the Líl̓wat Nation consists of a Political Chief, Cultural Chief and 11 councillors who are elected to four-year terms of office. The Political Chief is the respected leader and spokesperson for the Council and the Líl̓wat Nation. The Cultural Chief acts as a cultural ambassador at ceremonial events and gatherings. A mentor to all involved in governance, the Cultural Chief provides guidance to the Political Chief to ensure all business is carried out in a culturally respectful manner.

The Political Chief, Culture Chief and Council have a legal duty to protect the lands and assets of the Líl̓wat Nation. They also set the overall direction of the administration.
Chiefs and Council meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 pm in Council Chambers at the Úll̓us Community Complex. Council meetings are open to all members of Líl̓wat Nation members.
The minutes from Council meetings are available to Líl̓wat Nation members from the Council’s executive secretary. To request a copy of the most recent minutes, please click here.
To quickly catch up on what’s been happening in chambers, please click here to review Chief and Council Notes or visit our library to view the upcoming/previous Agendas.
Skalulmecw Chief Dean Nelson served two terms on council prior to being elected Political Chief of the Líl̓wat Nation in March 2015. He is the first chief to be elected under the new provision for a four-year term in office.
A former P.E. teacher at Xet’olacw Community School, Dean is a passionate proponent for Líl̓wat Youth. As a council member he was responsible for both the Youth and Recreation portfolios. Dean brings to the position of Political Chief experience, commitment and vision.
Entsas skalulmecw, my name is Dean Nelson. I have lived here my entire life. I attended the Mount Currie Indian Day School and Ts̓zil High School in the community where learning Lil̓wat7úl culture was greatly encouraged. To be presented the culture and to embrace our culture are two very different things. I have always believed that culture can save or condemn a First Nations person depending on where we are in life. I was fortunate to have key people at a crucial time in my life to assist me with the embracing and the practicing of the Lil̓wat7úl culture that would motivate me to where I am today culturally. As I begin my term as Political Chief for the Líl̓wat Nation, I am constantly thinking of the power of transformation and strong leadership.
I have always believed that the strength of Mother Nature and the culture can enhance and shape one’s life. Initially, I saw myself standing on the sidelines, watching our culture for most of my youth. When I became a teacher, I saw my students looking to me for direction as to whether or not to participate in our cultural practices. I asked myself, “How can we expect our children to embrace the culture when we cannot ourselves?” I started by holding a drum on the sidelines — again watching. I felt it was my responsibility to do what I could, so I joined the drumming circle and became strong enough to lead some of the Lil̓wat7u̓l songs.
I have always felt that if there were changes to make that we are aware of there is no one better to make those changes than ourselves. We can’t keep looking for someone to change things for us. Words I live by:
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi
It is truly an honour to serve as the Political Chief of the Líl̓wat Nation.
— Skalulmecw Chief Dean Nelson

Message From The Cultural Chief
The name Gélpcal means (The One Who Gives Strength). Gélpcal thanks all of you for the trust you have placed in himself and having him be right where he is today. Gélpcal feels mighty honored to be in your service as Cultural Chief for this term in Líl̓wat Leadership.
Chief Gélpcal looks forward to a strong future where we can all come together in full cultural immersion to figure out the direction we will take for all present and future generations. This will require the full knowledge of Our Elders, Knowledge Keepers and Cultural Mentors. Chief Gélpcal believes we all have some understanding of who we are as Líl̓wat7ul, therefore, we all have knowledge that needs to be passed in trust to another. Following in the footsteps of Our Ancestors will help us figure out protocols that will make way for our true identities as a distinct first nation people. This truth must make its way into our everyday life so that no generation feels lost in any manner.
Gélpcal sees the present as an exciting time here in Líl̓wat Nation. With the bold representation of both Political and Cultural Leadership. The balance between the two positions carries endless possibility. Chief Gélpcal knows that any strength to be had, will be found right here at home. The transfer of cultural, traditional, spiritual and ceremonial values bring balance to all decision making on behalf of Our Nation.
Gélpcal is proud of the great cultural steps being taken within our nation. There is so much interest in learning the language, sharing the stories, regalia making, drumming, dancing and singing. This will make way to creating solid foundations for the nations precious children. Gélpcal is happy that our community school places just as much importance into cultural identity as it does with academics.
Chief Gélpcal can say that his door is always open, but the fact is that it is our collective door. The success of the nation has come through the trust in the people that work for all of us. Gélpcal proudly states that the Líl̓wat nation “has My love, trust and respect, as those are values that you have instilled in me as a community.”
Pala7míntwal̓ i Ucwalmícwa múta7 ti Tmícwa | The Land and The People Are Together as One
Takemlhkálh t̓u7 pála7 | We Are One.
Ku̓kwpi7 Gélpcal.

Introducing Council
The Líl̓wat Nations’ 13-member council is required to fulfill community responsibilities as part of its duties. This goal is achieved through each council member taking on one or more portfolios that address housing, education, land use, fisheries, community wellness, social development, external affairs, agriculture, recreation, economic development, and culture and heritage. Councillors are also encouraged to sit on one of the 21 committees and boards involved in the business of the Líl̓wat Nation.
The women and men who represent the Líl̓wat Nation work hard to identify, and solve, issues affecting the community. Their work is carried out under a best practices framework and is guided by the Líl̓wat Nations Strategic Plan, a document that’s revisited regularly to ensure that progress is being made and the promises to the people are being met. Here are the people who have been elected to lead the nations from 2015-2018.

Troy Bikadi
Portfolio: Lands & Resources, On-Reserve Lands
Internal Committee: Land Management Board, IR#10 Road Negotiating Team
External Committee: Stl'atl'imx Tribal Police
Occupation: Safety Officer, Líl̓wat Nation
Coming soon..

Alphonse Wallace
Portfolio: Health and Wellness
Internal Committees: Community Social Services Committee Líl̓wat Health and Healing (Vice Chair)
Occupation: Recreation Manager, Líl̓wat Nation
Holding the Community Services portfolio, Háma7 Alphonse Wallace points to the department’s successful family reunification events as the department’s most impressive achievement.
“We had kids from out of province come to Líl̓wat who had never been on a reserve before. They did not know their families or their culture,” says Háma7. He believes these gatherings are not only essential to developing a sense of identity amongst Lil̓wat7úl children in care but are also a safety precaution.
“It helps us to monitor where the kids are and how they are doing. It lets the foster parents know that we do care, and we are going to follow the kids̓ through their lives. It shows we have a link to our kids.
Another important accomplishment he cites for 2015/16 was leadership adopting and starting to implement the new eight-year strategic plan.
“Our council, chiefs, and CAO are looking at dealing with issues that haven’t been dealt with for a while,” says Háma7.
On a personal level, he is proud of the increased opportunities for the Nation’s youth to compete in sports outside the community that community members have created.
“It’s also nice to see that the Líl̓wat Nation is creating work experience for youth that helps financially and gives lifelong work skills that are so important,” says Háma7.
Háma7 is in his sixth term on council.

Helena Edmonds
Portfolio: Lands and Resources, Traditional Territory
Internal Committee: Land Use Referral Committee, Cheakamus Community Forest, Skel7a̓qsten (LGTT), Village of Pemberton Protocol Agreement Table
Occupation: Manager of Advanced Education, Líl̓wat Nation
Kík7ak Helena Edmonds work on council has the underlying theme of creating safety. Through her portfolios and related committees, she is actively engaged in keeping both the community’s infrastructure and its youth protected. Committed to making a difference in her community, one of Kík7ak’s goals is to see youth empowered so they take charge of their lives and see themselves shine, standing up for themselves so they can say with confidence, “I can.”
“I have seen some youth dabbling in drugs and I have taken them and gone a different route. Not a punishment or talking down but opening their eyes by showing them what can happen and what they can get if they stop,” says Kík7ak.
New to council last year, Kík7ak sees learning to listen without judgment and expanding her circle of responsibility as her primary achievements of 2015/16.
“I used to wear a small hat and under that hat was my family, now I wear a much larger hat that’s big enough for the whole community.”
Kík7ak is in her first term on council.

Maxine Joseph Bruce
Portfolios: Business and Economic Development, Operating Boards
Internal Committee: Líl̓wat Operating Boards of Director, Speĺkúmtn Community Forest, Skel7áqsten (LGTT), Bingo Committee
External Committee: Pemberton Economic Development Collaborative
Occupation: Fisheries Manager, Líl̓wat Nation Lands and Resources
Lhpatq Maxine Joseph Bruce is passionate about First Nations Title, Rights and Responsibilities, developing economic opportunity and working from the positive. Committed to improving the Líl̓wat economy, Lhpatq has held the Economic Development portfolio for nearly a decade, and thanks the leadership and community for trusting in her abilities and commitment.
She considers that building relationships and partnerships are some of the essential building blocks for reconciliation and for developing a sustainable Líl̓wat. Asked about her 2015/16 council achievements, she cites “learning how to carry the bigger responsibilities that are coming our way” and “how to have a conversation on the issues we face as Líl̓wat people.”
The personal achievement that makes Lhpatq the happiest is watching her children who are coming into their own, and are strong and independent. She is proud of her daughter who recently purchased her own home and announced her upcoming marriage.
“Seeing the strength in my daughter is amazing,” marvels Lhpatq.
Whether in the community or at the council table, she strives to work from a place of kindness and compassion, employing a phrase she learned from a dear friend: “Be hard on the problem and soft on The People.”
Lhpatq is in her sixth term on council.

Roxanne Joe
Portfolios: Health and Wellness
Internal Committees: Community Social Services Committee, Recreation Committee
External Committee: Whistler Sports Legacy Society
Occupation: Coordinator, Líl̓wat Nation Lands & Resources
Coming Soon..

Rilla Sampson
Portfolios: Education, Adult Education and Culture
Internal Committees: Tśzil Advisory Committee, Líl̓wat Culture Heritage Language Authority
External Committee: Squamish Líl̓wat Cultural Centre Board
Occupation: TBD
Coming soon...

Martina Pierre
Portfolios: Education, Primary and Secondary Education
Internal Committees: Xét̓olacw Community School Board, Skel7a̓qsten (LGTT), Governance and Nominating Committee (Alternate)
External Committee: School District #48 Aboriginal Council
Occupation: Professor, Capilano University
Saw̓t Martina Pierre considers attending a workshop on indigenous government to be the most important event of her 2015/16 council year.
“It showed that it’s time to make a move, it’s time for our people to take on the responsibility to look after our Territory,” says Saw̓t. “We have to make connections that can will allow for effective dialogue that’s needed with all the different governmental sectors.”
She believes that the community is becoming more aware of the need to have control over its Territory and sees great potential in
the younger generations. “They want to learn more about the history and our own Nt̓ákmen (Our way) in an authentic way, not through papers and policies,” says the passionate proponent of Líl̓wat language and culture. “We see this at the school. The younger generation is learning our culture and language. And they are learning in Nt̓ákmen.”
What Saw̓t wants for future generations is independence, a strong Líl̓wat identity and a life outside the “Indian reservation box.”
“A Lil̓wat7úl doesn’t wait for program money. When program money runs out we fall on our faces. We have to initiate things on our own and feel the pride of completing them on our own.”
Saẃt is in her fifth term on council.

Sík Sík
Joshua Anderson
Portfolios: Health and Wellness
Internal Committees: Líl̓wat Health and Healing Health Committee, Governance and Nominating Committee (Alternate)
External Committees: Squamish Líl̓wat Cultural Centre Board
Occupation: TBD
Coming soon...

James Williams
Portfolio: Governance, Economic Development
Internal Committees: Governance and Nominating Committee, Finance and Audit
Occupation: TBD
Coming Soon...

Renee Wallace
Portfolio: Housing
Internal Committee: Housing Board
External Committee: Lower Stl'atl'imx Tribal Council
Coming Soon...

Christopher Wells
Portfolio: Governance
Internal Committee: Governance and Nominating Committee, Skel7áqsten (LGTT)
Occupation: TBD
Coming soon...