Protecting Líl̓wat Interests In Líl̓wat Lands
The land is central to Líl̓wat culture and identity as expressed in the Ucwalmícwts phrase “pal7míntwal i ucwalmícwa múta7 ti tmícwa” — the land and people are together as one. This core belief is the cornerstone of the Lands & Resources Department’s work, its goal being to maximize the Líl̓wat Nation’s control over its lands and resources.
The Líl̓wat Nation’s Strategic Plan and its Land Use Plan, which outlines a variety of visions for the usage of traditional territory for cultural, heritage, social and economic purposes, guide the department’s work. As well as the stewardship of traditional territory, Lands & Resources also focuses on the management of on-reserve lands and fisheries with activities ranging from community land use planning to annual salmon stock assessments.