The Hike

The other day a lucky few of us were given the privilege to attend the Social Hike to the sacred ‘Birthing Rock’ hikers trekked up the mountains through bush and rocks to make it to the site.

The History

The story goes that this petroglyph was lost to time until local mountain bikers noticed deep grooves in the boulder they were biking near. It wasn’t until community members came up to confirm what exactly they were looking at – an ancient petroglyph depicting a woman giving birth.
The sacred site holds an ancient connection to the land and the ancestors of the Líl̓wat Nation, and it makes it so special to have a gathering where community members can sing, tell stories, and reconnect with the land and the past.

Kúkwstum̓ckál̓ap |Thank you

While all living things must go back to the earth, this petroglyph shares the same fate. It too is slowly reforming into the rock from whence it was carved. Although when it was rediscovered more than 20 years ago, the grooves were more distinguishable, the bond between this site and the Nation has never been stronger.

A huge thank you goes out to Líl̓wat Lands and Resources for organizing this gathering. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions about the history of the site.
