Líl̓wat Nation Capital Project – Information Bulletin
Lake Road Water Main Replacement Project
Project Information
The Nation has identified the replacement of the Lake Road watermain as one of its highest priority Capital Projects. This water main was constructed over 50 years ago using pipe that is not suitable by todays’ standards: is undersized for firefighting purposes and is generally in poor condition. Water leakage is also a significant concern for the Mt Currie water system and this watermain is thought to be the largest source of leakage due to its age and poor construction.
The new watermain will be installed adjacent to the existing watermain down the length of the Lake Road and which roughly follows the BC Hydro power lines. There are also sections of watermain along Rancheree and Pemberton Way that will be replaced as part of this project.
By the Numbers
- Length of Watermain to be replaced/upgraded ~ 9.2 km
- Estimated project cost ~ $5 Million Dollars
- Current estimated Mt Currie water system leakage ~ 500,000 L/day
Key Project Benefits
- Improved system reliability, less water main breaks.
- A significant reduction in water leakage.
- Increased water pressure for fire-fighting purposes and consumer use.
- Installation of additional fire hydrants for closer spacing of hydrants along Lake Road.
- Looping of watermain near Pemberton Way and Industrial Park will improve water quality and allow isolation of sections of watermain without shutting water off for everyone in the area.
Key Anticipated Challenges
- Access to private properties for construction.
- Construction through riparian areas.
Project Schedule
The project is currently in the design phase with no firm construction date set yet. It is anticipated that construction will begin summer 2022 with project completion in summer 2023.
Upcoming Project Tasks
- Geotechnical test holes need to be dug at regular intervals along where the watermain will be installed. This will require access to certain private properties along the Lake Road.
- Residents affected by this task will be contacted ahead of time for permission to access.
Project Contact
David Ward, P.Eng.
Capital Projects Manager
604-894-6115 Ext. 2242