Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest
A Forest for the Future
The Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest (SCF) landbase encompasses 17, 727 hectares (ha) of land around the Village of Pemberton and Mount Currie communities. The lands are entirely within the Líl̓wat Nation Traditional Territory. The SCF is a partnership between the Líl̓wat Nation and the Village of Pemberton designed to promote reconciliation, increase community benefits from local resources and local voice in the management of the surrounding forest.
The Community Forest Agreement (CFA) between the Province, Líl̓wat Nation and Village of Pemberton, was signed in September 2020, for a period of 25 years and can be extended. The Forest Stewardship Plan and the Management Plan for the SCF are approved, with an Annual Allowable Cut (timber harvest) of 11,000 cubic metres which equates to about 20-22 ha/year.
A CFA is an area-based forest tenure managed by a local government, community group, First Nation or community-held corporation, for the benefit of the entire community. Through a CFA the province transfers decision-making to communities that have a desire to have a greater influence and participate in the stewardship of their local landbase.
The mission of Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest is to operate a safe, profitable and sustainable community forest. The community forest is managed for environmental, social and economic values while taking into consideration the desires of its member and neighbouring communities.
The Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest is currently governed by an Interim Board. The formation of a permanent Board is expected to take place in 2022 with the appointment of two new members from Líl̓wat Nation and Pemberton.
Grenn River area Proposed Harvesting (Late fall 2022)
The Spel’kúmtn Community Forest is seeking review and comment regarding the proposed harvesting and associated road construction for cutblocks GR1000, GR1001 and GR1001A specifically with respect to use of the area by members of the communities of Pemberton and Mt Currie.
Community members are encouraged to submit any comments or concerns regarding public use activities or effects of harvesting on existing forest values associated with the Green River / Lower slopes of Mount Currie where the planned blocks are located. Review and comment by the community is requested so that Spel’kúmtn CF is aware and can plan activities to minimize any potential impact to public use and ensure any forest values of concern for the community are addressed.
Please send comments to: spelkumtncf@gmail.com
Miller Creek area Proposed Harvesting (fall 2022)
The Spel’kúmtn Community Forest (SCF) is seeking review and comment regarding the proposed harvesting and associated road construction for cutblocks MI100A, MI100C and MI100D specifically with respect to use of the area by members of the communities of Pemberton and Mt Currie.
Community members are encouraged to submit any comments or concerns regarding public use activities or affects of harvesting on existing forest values associated with the south Miller Creek area where the planned blocks are located. Review and comment by the community is requested so that SCF is aware and can plan activities to minimize any potential impact to public use and ensure any forest values of concern for the community are addressed.
Please contact: spelkumtncf@gmail.com
These blocks are proposed to be harvested under the Spel’kúmtn Community Forest tenure agreement, a partnership between the Líl’wat Nation and the Village of Pemberton. The revenue generated from this community forest harvesting will be shared between these partners as per the agreement developed for the community forest. Harvest planning and implementation of all activities will be managed by Lil’wat Forestry Ventures.
2022 Harvesting Schedules for Mackenzie Basin & Owl Ridge
The following information is current as of March 10, 2022. Harvesting activities have begun in both the Mackenzie Basin and Owl Ridge areas of the Spel̓̓́kúmtn Community Forest. This work will continue until appriximately April 7, 2022. Any changes will be updated to this page.
Mackenzie Basin Harvesting Schedule Update (March 10, 2022)
Hauling timber from the blocks in the Mackenzie Basin started on March 10, 2022 and will continue until approximately April 7, 2022. We ask that recreational users of this area exercise extreme caution while driving, cycling or otherwise using the Mackenzie FSR when logging trucks are present. Please respect all forestry activity-related signage and remember that descending/loaded logging trucks always have the right-of-way.
During harvesting activities, the Mackenzie Basin FSR may be closed for short periods of time to ensure safety during harvesting activities. Please do not enter active logging areas or obstruct passage of harvesting equipment on the Mackenzie Basin FSR when parking.
Owl Ridge Harvesting Schedule Update (February 21, 2022)
Harvesting activities are planned to start in Owl Ridge, Block BH902, on or about February 21, 2022. Block BH902 is located adjacent to the BC Hydro Tx line to the north of the Owl Ridge subdivision. The block will be accessed from .5 km on Owl Ridge Drive via an existing resource road (Joe Smith Main) and by a short planned new spur road.
Harvesting activities, which began on February 2, will be ongoing fthrough March 15, 2022. Hauling timber from the block will commence approximately March 15 through April 7, 2022.
During harvesting activities, the public is requested to avoid use of Joe Smith Main. Joe Smith Main is currently gated and/or locked. Existing use of this road is for occasional ATV use, hiking and dog walking by Owl Ridge residents. Please obey all signage and temporary closures and do not enter active logging areas.
Please see maps of the cutblocks that are proposed to be harvested, an overview map and the complete Proposed Harvesting Referral Form on the
toggles below.
2021/2022 Proposed Harvesting Plans
The Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest (SCF) is currently planning for the harvest of approximately 19 ha, distributed across five separate small cutblocks, in the Upper Mackenzie Basin area. Harvesting is planned to occur between December 15, 2021 and March 15, 2022.
The five blocks are proposed to be harvested (scroll down to Maps to views the area) under the Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest tenure agreement, a partnership between the Líl̓wat Nation and the Village of Pemberton. The revenue generated from this community forest harvesting will be shared between the Líl̓wat Nation and the Village of Pemberton as per the partnership agreement developed for the community forest. Harvest planning and implementation of all activities will be completed by Líl̓wat Forestry Ventures (LFV) and all harvesting will be completed by local forestry contractors.
Mackenzie Basin Harvesting Update
As of January 25, 2002, forestry activities are underway in four or the five cut blocks in the Mackenzie Basin. Signage has been posted to ensure people that are using the areas for recreation keep safe.
A “Do not Enter” sign has been posted at the start of the Mackenzie Basin Forest Service Road (FSR) this sign is in reference to “Do Not enter active logging areas” and is meant to communicate to people to not enter areas of active operations (the entry points are the new and rebuilt roads referenced above, the road junctions are signed). The FSR is open to public use throughout the period active logging.
The FSR will be plowed, but will likely required chains or a 4 x 4 vehicles to access safely. The public is also asked not to park on the roadside unless there is room to get off the running surface so that logging crew vehicles and equipment can continue to use the road.
Breakdown of Activities
Here is a breakdown of current logging activities and those that will extend into the spring at SCF:
- Block harvesting of MK005A and MK005B will be begin on, or about, February 7, 2022 and continue through to February 1, 2022. The Mackenzie Basin Forest Service Road will be closed for short periods of time to ensure safety.
- Tree falling and clock harvesting is ongoing until February 7, 2022 for MK001.
- Harvesting of blocks MK004A and MK04B will start sometime after February 15, 2022,
- Hauling from all the harvest blocks is projected to take place in the middle of March, 2022
Backgound and Supporting Documents
Learn more about the Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest by browsing through the toggles below:
2021 Proposed Harvesting Plan