Community Advisory : Significant Snowfall Forecast for Wednesday December 22nd

The Nation’s Public Works crew is gearing up for another significant snowfall event that is forecast to start this evening and continue through tomorrow afternoon.  Crews will be focusing on Priority Routes as identified in the Nation’s Snow Removal Protocol (Link provided below).

Resident’s can help with snow clearing by:

  • Removing vehicles parked on streets to allow proper and safe snow clearing for our operators.
  • Clearing of driveways/windrows (Please note it is not possible to plow roads without creating windrows in driveways.  Windrows are the responsibility of residents to clear).
  • Helping neighbors and elders with their driveways

Please understand that our Public Works Team does their best to ensure everyone has cleared roads in an orderly fashion but that they have priority routes to focus on first.

 (Link to updated Snow Removal Policy)
