On-Reserve Lands
Ensuring our Lands & Resources a Safe Future
The On-Reserve Lands Department is responsible for managing all on-reserve land issues, most significantly in the area of land registration.
Our Vision for Líl̓wat Tmicw
l Lil̓wat7úla q̓íxin̓ knáku7 l tákma Lil̓wat7úla láti7 tsét7a ts̓úqwaoz̓am, píxem̓, gew̓p l Ucwalmícwa maysúsa7an, nrí7ptem, st̓qwaw̓skálh kelh lhwat k̓wezúsem múta7 kwet ka ull̓usmíntwal̓7a. Gelilcmínem kwet gelgelám kw Lil̓wat7úl, scat.s stum ti nt̓ákmen lhkálha. Wa7 qaozántumulhas nt̓ákmen, wi snímulh múta7 ti tmícwa.
Líl̓wat Nation, a safe community for all our citizens where we fish, hunt, gather, create, grow, work, and live together. We strive for strong, healthy, and united Lil̓wat7úl, preserving our rights, language, culture and traditions. We are guided by Nt̓ákmen for self, community, and the land.

On-Reserve Lands deals with land registrations under a process outlined in the Líl̓wat Nation’s Land Law for registering traditional land holdings. The Community Land Use Plan (CLUP), is our framework for land use management, and the Land Management Board guide this department.
On-Reserve Lands Services and Focuses
On-Reserve Lands works to meet its objective of registering all reserve land to complete the on-reserve parcel fabric and to implement community development initiatives outlined in the Community Land Use Plan.
Much of the Líl̓wat Nation reserve land is located in and around the community of Mt. Currie, approximately 160-km north of Vancouver, British Columbia. A secondary community site, Xet̓ólacw, which includes a school and health centre, has been developed a few kilometres away. Roll your cursor over the map above and click to see specific areas of the on-reserve lands map enlarged.
Purchasing On-Reserve Maps
On-Reserve Lands maps are available to purchase through Lands & Resources. Maximum custom map size is 132 cm x 86 cm (52” x 34”) with full-colour maps available in sizes up to 112 cm x 86 cm (48” x 34”). To order a map or receive a quote, please click here.
The Community Land Use Plan is a living document that provides the Líl̓wat Nation with a roadmap to manage Líl̓wat Tmicw. The plan identifies shared community goals that include cultural, social, environmental and economic considerations, and presents information on each area of the community. Land use designations have been established for all areas of the community, outlining desired uses for each parcel of land. The Lands and Resources Department is responsible for implementing the Community Land Use Plan and monitoring land use activities. To learn more about the Community Land Use Plan click here.
An Agricultural Plan has been developed under the direction of the Lang Management Board. Community consultation determined that the plan should focus on two basic issues, improving food security in the community and capacity building.
To read the Agricultural Plan, click here.
An updated version of the Líl̓wat Land Law was adopted in 2010. The law sets out the rules, regulations and responsibilities pertaining to the management of the Líl̓wat Nation reserve lands. The document lays out process and procedures for dealing with issues about on-reserve lands, from registration to dispute resolution.
To read the Líl̓wat Land Law, click here.
On-Reserve Lands processes specific claims. Specific claims are unresolved historical grievances related to Indian Reserves that First Nations bring against the federal government. Recently, the Líl̓wat Nation finalized the negotiation of a settlement for three specific claims. The federal government has partially or wholly rejected three more specific claims and the department is evaluating options for moving forward with those claims.
Notice to Community Members regarding Land Registration Applications. To view click on the link:
- Land Finalization for Leon Williams
- Land Registration Application for Larry Williams
- Land Transfer Application for Patricia Andrew
- Land Registration Application for Buck Nelson
- Land Transfer for Malcolm Pascal
- Land Transfer Application for Josh Williams
- Land Registration for Katrina Williams
Should there be any questions or concerns for any of these allotments,
please submit your concerns in writing within 60 days of the first day of the posting to the:
Land Management Board. Attention: Amie Waelchil
P.O. Box 602, Mount Currie, B.C., V0N 2K0
For More Information
Roxanne Joe
Coordinator, Lands & Resources
Phone: 604-894-6115 ext. 2467
Email: Roxanne.Joe@lilwat.ca